Senior Votes Matter (SVM) is a national, nonpartisan, media platform with a mission to strengthen the visibility of our country's most valuable demographic. Get involved and stay connected to what we are doing in the community to get you informed, prepared, and supported as you vote and use your voice in the next elections.
March in Selma , 2023
Today, Clara Hubbard, welcomes
Elder Lanyaird Smith, - Evangelism Through Grace
and Dr. Gale B. Frazier
August 2020, Clara launched Senior Votes Matter (SVM) at Bethel Terrace Senior Apartments in Chicagos', historic Englewood Community. (SVM) supports the mission of the Late Congressman John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act, to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965. (SVM) is not affiliated with any political party. We believe in protecting and empowering older Americans through their voting power, personal experiences, town halls, candidate forums, civic engagement, increased vote registration and increased voter turnout.
Founder, Clara Hubbard
Clara,you go, girl!! This news from you is so impressive, but not surprising at all. It is clear from our meeting that you have identified and are capitalizing on a lucrative and under-served segment of the population, so you deserve the success that you are experiencing. You are truly doing God's work and you will continue to be blessed for it.
Copyright © QD Consulting 2021 Senior Talk with Clara Hubbard is a 501c(3) Organization, NFP
For People Getting Better with Age